05 March 2018

Search Engine Before Google Even Exist

Posted by Abirama on Monday, March 05, 2018 in | No comments

For so many years human have been trying to collect and search for an information about anything around them. If they saw something and they didn't know what it is, they will try to find an information about it. Hundreds of years ago, human have been using leaves to write an information (just ask ancient egyptians if you didn't believe), And in 101 BC a chinese man named Tsai Lun invented a paper made from bamboo material. Since then books began to appear, and people start using them to write an information they know. And later all of that books were stored in a library, so if we are curious about something (about birds for example). We can go there, look for a book about birds, and read it.

Hundreds of years later, internet began to take over books and library. No one wants to go to library anymore because if they want to find an information, they just open their smartphone. Everything is available in the internet, from an article about birds to a news about suicide. And the only way to access all of that information is to look for it through search engine.

Search engine have become the most important part in the world of internet. There are so many search engine waiting to be used like Google, Bing, and many else. But did you know that there are lots of search engine long before Google even exist?

Old Search Engine

Google was found in September 4 1998, and sometimes people think that Google is the first search engine (well if you think like that, you should read more). Actually search engine have appeared in the internet a long time ago and the first one has been existed in 1993. If you are curious what is it, you should take a look at the list below.

WebCrawler (1994)


Or sometimes called a spider is one of the oldest search engine and it's still running today. The results of WebCrawler search was combined from Yahoo and Google.

Lycos (1994)


It's the search engine that came to the internet in 1994 the same like WebCrawler. If you are born in the 90's you may know this search engine by it's dog logo. And for your information, Lycos was born in Carnegie Melon University which is own several other internet brands. If Lycos still live, it will probably own by Yahoo.

Altavista (1995)


The most popular search engine, in 1990s of course. This search engine is still running in 2003 which is when Yahoo take over AltaVista, and it's eventually died in 2013.

Excite (1995)

1990s people knew this search engine, because it was the most recognizable brands. Just like Google today, but then the two biggest search engine name Googke and Yahoo came in. Make Excite lose competitiveness, and eventually fall from it's spotlight. 

Yahoo (1995)


I don't to explain this one, because you guys already knew this one. Yahoo is probably the only old search engine that can compete with Google and still exist today. According to Alexa, Yahoo is in the fourth spot in the most visited website (I'm afraid Techno Core Blog is not in the count).

Dogpile (1996)


No it's not that dogpile, but it was a search engine. A pretty unique and memorable name, Dog have been existed since 1996 and the search result was combined from Yahoo, Google, and Yandex (the russian search engine)

Ask Jeeves (1996)

Ask Jeeves

Ask Jeeves is probably the most unique search engine. Because this search engine have a questin and answer format. It's still exist today and you'll probably know this search engine with the name Ask.com.

Did you guys still use one of the search engine or maybe you just found out now? Well, after read this article you probably know that Google is not the first one. And all of that search engine was as big as Google back then. So if you by any chance find one of those old search engine, please used it and give them some attention.


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